Seperating out components

This commit is contained in:
Chris Bell 2024-11-18 17:42:48 -06:00
parent 0e0f76f515
commit 8781cab2aa
6 changed files with 417 additions and 243 deletions

Tiles/CameraController.cs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
using System.Numerics;
using Raylib_cs;
namespace Tiles;
public class CameraController
private Camera2D _camera2D;
public Camera2D Camera => _camera2D;
public CameraController()
_camera2D = new Camera2D();
public void SetCameraTarget(Vector2 target)
_camera2D.Target = target;
public void SetCameraOffset(Vector2 offset)
_camera2D.Offset = offset;
public void SetCameraZoom(float zoom)
_camera2D.Zoom = zoom;
public void SetCameraRotation(float rotation)
_camera2D.Rotation = rotation;

Tiles/DebugUI.cs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
using Raylib_cs;
namespace Tiles;
public class DebugUI
public void Draw()
int textSize = 10;
int textPositionX = (int)(Game.Instance.CameraController.Camera.Target.X - Game.Instance.ScreenWidth / 2 / Game.Instance.CameraController.Camera.Zoom) + 10;
int textPositionY = (int)(Game.Instance.CameraController.Camera.Target.Y - Game.Instance.ScreenHeight / 2 / Game.Instance.CameraController.Camera.Zoom) + 10;
string lookingAt = "";
if (Game.Instance.World.GetTile((int)Game.Instance.Player.PointerPosition.X, (int)Game.Instance.Player.PointerPosition.Y) != 0)
lookingAt = Game.Instance.TileManager.GetTileFromId(Game.Instance.World.GetTile((int)Game.Instance.Player.PointerPosition.X, (int)Game.Instance.Player.PointerPosition.Y)).Name;
lookingAt = "air";
Raylib.DrawText("FPS: " + Raylib.GetFPS(), textPositionX, textPositionY, textSize, Color.White);
Raylib.DrawText(Game.Instance.TileManager.GetTileFromId(Game.Instance.Player.CurrentSelectedTileId).Name, textPositionX, textPositionY + (textSize*2), textSize, Color.White);
Raylib.DrawText("Coords: " + Game.Instance.World.GetGridPositionFromGlobalPosition((int)Game.Instance.Player.Position.X, (int)Game.Instance.Player.Position.Y).ToString().ToUpper(),
textPositionX, textPositionY + (textSize * 3), textSize, Color.White);
Raylib.DrawText("Speed: " + Game.Instance.Player.Speed, textPositionX, textPositionY + (textSize*4), textSize, Color.White);
Raylib.DrawText("Pointer: " + Game.Instance.Player.PointerPosition + " " + lookingAt, textPositionX, textPositionY + (textSize*5), textSize, Color.White);

View File

@ -5,265 +5,90 @@ namespace Tiles;
public class Game
const int _tileSize = 8;
const int _worldWidth = 2000;
const int _worldHeight = 1000;
public static Game Instance { get; private set; }
private int _screenWidth;
private int _screenHeight;
public TileManager TileManager { get; private set; }
public Player Player { get; private set; }
public CameraController CameraController { get; private set; }
public World World { get; private set; }
public DebugUI DebugUi { get; private set; }
private Dictionary<string, int> _tileNameToId = new();
private Dictionary<int, Tile> _tileIdToTile = new();
private Dictionary<(int x, int y), int> _worldGrid = new();
private Vector2 _playerPosition;
private float _playerSpeed = 2f;
private Image _playerImage;
private Texture2D _playerTexture;
private Vector2 _pointerPosition = Vector2.Zero;
private Camera2D _camera;
private int _currentSelectedTileId = 1;
private int _currentSelectedIndex = 0;
public int ScreenWidth { get; private set; }
public int ScreenHeight { get; private set; }
public Game(int screenWidth, int screenHeight)
_screenWidth = screenWidth;
_screenHeight = screenHeight;
Raylib.InitWindow(_screenWidth, _screenHeight, "Tiles");
ScreenWidth = screenWidth;
ScreenHeight = screenHeight;
_playerTexture = Raylib.LoadTexture("data/core/player/dude.png");
_playerPosition = GetGlobalPositionFromGrid(500, 500);
_camera = new Camera2D()
Target = _playerPosition,
Offset = new Vector2(_screenWidth / 2, _screenHeight / 2),
Rotation = 0f,
Zoom = 4f
Instance = this;
while (!Raylib.WindowShouldClose())
_camera.Target = _playerPosition;
Raylib.ClearBackground(new Color(20, 70, 100, 255));
private void HandleInput()
private void InitializeRaylib()
if (Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.W)) _playerPosition += new Vector2(0, -1) * _playerSpeed;
if (Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.A)) _playerPosition += new Vector2(-1, 0) * _playerSpeed;
if (Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.S)) _playerPosition += new Vector2(0, 1) * _playerSpeed;
if (Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.D)) _playerPosition += new Vector2(1, 0) * _playerSpeed;
Raylib.InitWindow(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, "Tiles");
if (Raylib.IsKeyReleased(KeyboardKey.Right))
private void Init()
TileManager = new TileManager();
World = new World();
Player = new Player("Player")
_currentSelectedIndex = (_currentSelectedIndex + 1) % _tileNameToId.Count;
if (_currentSelectedIndex == 0)
_currentSelectedIndex = 1;
_currentSelectedTileId = _currentSelectedIndex;
else if (Raylib.IsKeyReleased(KeyboardKey.Left))
_currentSelectedIndex = (_currentSelectedIndex - 1 + _tileNameToId.Count) % _tileNameToId.Count;
if (_currentSelectedIndex == 0)
_currentSelectedIndex = _tileNameToId.Count - 1;
_currentSelectedTileId = _currentSelectedIndex;
Position = World.GetGlobalPositionFromGrid(500, 500)
CameraController = new CameraController();
CameraController.SetCameraOffset(new Vector2(ScreenWidth / 2, ScreenHeight / 2));
if (Raylib.IsMouseButtonDown(MouseButton.Left))
SetTile((int)_pointerPosition.X, (int)_pointerPosition.Y, _currentSelectedTileId);
if (Raylib.IsMouseButtonDown(MouseButton.Right))
SetTile((int)_pointerPosition.X, (int)_pointerPosition.Y, 0);
DebugUi = new DebugUI();
if (Raylib.IsKeyReleased(KeyboardKey.Up)) _playerSpeed += 1f;
if (Raylib.IsKeyReleased(KeyboardKey.Down)) _playerSpeed -= 1f;
private void SetupTiles()
private void Update()
_tileNameToId.Add("air", 0);
int index = 1;
foreach (var path in Directory.GetFiles("data/core/tiles/", "*.json"))
Tile tile;
tile = Tile.GenerateTileFromJson(path);
if (tile == null) throw new Exception($"Couldn't load tile {path}");
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine($"Tile {tile.Name} loaded");
_tileIdToTile.Add(index, tile);
_tileNameToId.Add(tile.Name, index);
private void DrawWorld()
private void Draw()
// Calculate the boundaries of the visible region in grid coordinates
int startX = Math.Max((int)(_camera.Target.X - (_screenWidth / 2 / _camera.Zoom)) / _tileSize, 0);
int startY = Math.Max((int)(_camera.Target.Y - (_screenHeight / 2 / _camera.Zoom)) / _tileSize, 0);
int endX = Math.Min((int)(_camera.Target.X + (_screenWidth / 2 / _camera.Zoom)) / _tileSize, _worldWidth - 1);
int endY = Math.Min((int)(_camera.Target.Y + (_screenHeight / 2 / _camera.Zoom)) / _tileSize, _worldHeight - 1);
Raylib.ClearBackground(new Color(20, 30, 100, 255));
// Loop only through the visible tiles
for (int x = startX; x <= endX; x++)
for (int y = startY; y <= endY; y++)
(int x, int y) position = new(x, y);
if (_worldGrid.TryGetValue(position, out var tileType) && tileType != 0)
Raylib.DrawTexture(_tileIdToTile[tileType].Texture, x * _tileSize, y * _tileSize, Color.White);
private void DrawPlayer()
//Raylib.DrawRectangle((int)_playerPosition.X, (int)_playerPosition.Y, 16, 32, new(0,0,100,255));
Raylib.DrawTexture(_playerTexture, (int)_playerPosition.X, (int)_playerPosition.Y, Color.White);
private void DrawPointer()
Vector2 mousePosition = Raylib.GetMousePosition();
Vector2 worldPosition = Raylib.GetScreenToWorld2D(mousePosition, _camera);
Vector2 gridPosition = new Vector2((int)(worldPosition.X / _tileSize), (int)(worldPosition.Y / _tileSize));
_pointerPosition = new Vector2(gridPosition.X, gridPosition.Y);
Raylib.DrawRectangle((int)_pointerPosition.X*_tileSize, (int)_pointerPosition.Y*_tileSize, _tileSize, _tileSize, new Color(255, 255, 0, 80));
private void DrawDebug()
int textSize = 10;
int textPositionX = (int)(_camera.Target.X - _screenWidth / 2 / _camera.Zoom) + 10;
int textPositionY = (int)(_camera.Target.Y - _screenHeight / 2 / _camera.Zoom) + 10;
string lookingAt = "";
if (GetTile((int)_pointerPosition.X, (int)_pointerPosition.Y) != 0)
lookingAt = _tileIdToTile[GetTile((int)_pointerPosition.X, (int)_pointerPosition.Y)].Name;
lookingAt = "air";
Raylib.DrawText("FPS: " + Raylib.GetFPS(), textPositionX, textPositionY, textSize, Color.White);
Raylib.DrawText(_tileIdToTile[_currentSelectedTileId].Name, textPositionX, textPositionY + (textSize*2), textSize, Color.White);
Raylib.DrawText("Coords: " + GetGridPositionFromGlobalPosition((int)_playerPosition.X, (int)_playerPosition.Y).ToString().ToUpper(),
textPositionX, textPositionY + (textSize * 3), textSize, Color.White);
Raylib.DrawText("Speed: " + _playerSpeed, textPositionX, textPositionY + (textSize*4), textSize, Color.White);
Raylib.DrawText("Pointer: " + _pointerPosition + " " + lookingAt, textPositionX, textPositionY + (textSize*5), textSize, Color.White);
private void GenerateWorld()
int totalHeight = _worldHeight;
int grassHeight = (int)(totalHeight * 0.01);
int dirtHeight = (int)(totalHeight * 0.10);
int airHeight = (int)(totalHeight * 0.50);
int rockHeight = totalHeight - (airHeight + grassHeight + dirtHeight);
for (int x = 0; x < _worldWidth; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < totalHeight; y++)
string tileType;
if (y >= airHeight && y < airHeight + grassHeight)
tileType = "grass";
SetTile(x, y, _tileNameToId[tileType]);
else if (y >= airHeight + grassHeight && y < airHeight + grassHeight + dirtHeight)
tileType = "dirt";
SetTile(x, y, _tileNameToId[tileType]);
else if (y >= airHeight + grassHeight + dirtHeight)
tileType = "rock";
SetTile(x, y, _tileNameToId[tileType]);
private Vector2 GetGridPositionFromGlobalPosition(int x, int y)
int gridX = x / _tileSize;
int gridY = y / _tileSize;
if (gridX >= 0 && gridX < _worldWidth && gridY >= 0 && gridY < _worldHeight)
return new Vector2(gridX, gridY);
return new Vector2(0, 0);
private void SetTile(int x, int y, int id)
_worldGrid[(x, y)] = id;
private int GetTile(int x, int y)
if (_worldGrid.ContainsKey((x,y))) return _worldGrid[(x,y)];
return 0;
private Vector2 GetGlobalPositionFromGrid(int x, int y)
return new(x * _tileSize, y * _tileSize);

Tiles/Player.cs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
using System.Numerics;
using Raylib_cs;
namespace Tiles;
public class Player
public int Id { get; private set; }
public string Name { get; private set; }
public Vector2 Position { get; set; }
public float Speed { get; set; } = 2f;
public Texture2D Texture { get; private set; }
public Vector2 PointerPosition { get; private set; }
private readonly string _imagePath;
public int CurrentSelectedTileId = 1;
private int _currentSelectedIndex = 0;
public Player(string name, int id = 0, string imagePath = "data/core/player/dude.png")
Name = name;
Id = id;
_imagePath = imagePath;
public void Update()
public void Draw()
Raylib.DrawTexture(Texture, (int)Position.X, (int)Position.Y, Color.White);
private void InitTexture()
Texture = Raylib.LoadTexture(_imagePath);
private void HandleInput()
if (Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.W)) Position += new Vector2(0, -1) * Speed;
if (Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.A)) Position += new Vector2(-1, 0) * Speed;
if (Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.S)) Position += new Vector2(0, 1) * Speed;
if (Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.D)) Position += new Vector2(1, 0) * Speed;
// Speed control
if (Raylib.IsKeyReleased(KeyboardKey.Up)) Speed += 1f;
if (Raylib.IsKeyReleased(KeyboardKey.Down)) Speed -= 1f;
// Select tiles
if (Raylib.IsKeyReleased(KeyboardKey.Right))
_currentSelectedIndex = (_currentSelectedIndex + 1) % Game.Instance.TileManager.TileNameToIdList.Count;
if (_currentSelectedIndex == 0)
_currentSelectedIndex = 1;
CurrentSelectedTileId = _currentSelectedIndex;
else if (Raylib.IsKeyReleased(KeyboardKey.Left))
_currentSelectedIndex = (_currentSelectedIndex - 1 + Game.Instance.TileManager.TileNameToIdList.Count) % Game.Instance.TileManager.TileNameToIdList.Count;
if (_currentSelectedIndex == 0)
_currentSelectedIndex = Game.Instance.TileManager.TileNameToIdList.Count - 1;
CurrentSelectedTileId = _currentSelectedIndex;
private void HandleMouse()
//Mouse clicks
if (Raylib.IsMouseButtonDown(MouseButton.Left))
Game.Instance.World.SetTile((int)PointerPosition.X, (int)PointerPosition.Y, CurrentSelectedTileId);
if (Raylib.IsMouseButtonDown(MouseButton.Right))
Game.Instance.World.SetTile((int)PointerPosition.X, (int)PointerPosition.Y, 0);
private void DrawPointer()
Vector2 mousePosition = Raylib.GetMousePosition();
Vector2 worldPosition = Raylib.GetScreenToWorld2D(mousePosition, Game.Instance.CameraController.Camera);
Vector2 gridPosition = new Vector2((int)(worldPosition.X / Game.Instance.World.TileSize), (int)(worldPosition.Y / Game.Instance.World.TileSize));
PointerPosition = new Vector2(gridPosition.X, gridPosition.Y);
Raylib.DrawRectangle((int)PointerPosition.X*Game.Instance.World.TileSize, (int)PointerPosition.Y*Game.Instance.World.TileSize, Game.Instance.World.TileSize, Game.Instance.World.TileSize, new Color(255, 255, 0, 80));

Tiles/TileManager.cs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
namespace Tiles;
public class TileManager
private Dictionary<string, int> _tileNameToId;
private Dictionary<int, Tile> _tileIdToTile;
public Dictionary<string, int> TileNameToIdList => _tileNameToId;
public TileManager()
_tileNameToId = new Dictionary<string, int>();
_tileIdToTile = new Dictionary<int, Tile>();
public void SetupTiles()
_tileNameToId.Add("air", 0);
int index = 1;
foreach (var path in Directory.GetFiles("data/core/tiles/", "*.json"))
Tile tile;
tile = Tile.GenerateTileFromJson(path);
if (tile == null) throw new Exception($"Couldn't load tile {path}");
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine($"Tile {tile.Name} loaded");
_tileIdToTile.Add(index, tile);
_tileNameToId.Add(tile.Name, index);
public Tile GetTileFromId(int id)
if (!_tileIdToTile.ContainsKey(id))
throw new Exception($"Tile {id} not found");
return _tileIdToTile[id];
public int GetTileIdFromName(string name)
if (!_tileNameToId.ContainsKey(name))
throw new Exception($"Tile {name} not found");
return _tileNameToId[name];

Tiles/World.cs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
using System.Numerics;
using Raylib_cs;
namespace Tiles;
public class World
public int TileSize { get; }
public int WorldWidth { get; }
public int WorldHeight { get; }
private Dictionary<(int x, int y), int> _worldGrid;
public World(int worldWidth = 2000, int worldHeight = 1000, int tileSize = 8)
WorldWidth = worldWidth;
WorldHeight = worldHeight;
TileSize = tileSize;
_worldGrid = new Dictionary<(int x, int y), int>();
public void Update()
public void Draw()
// Calculate the boundaries of the visible region in grid coordinates
int startX = Math.Max((int)(Game.Instance.CameraController.Camera.Target.X - (Game.Instance.ScreenWidth / 2 / Game.Instance.CameraController.Camera.Zoom)) / TileSize, 0);
int startY = Math.Max((int)(Game.Instance.CameraController.Camera.Target.Y - (Game.Instance.ScreenHeight / 2 / Game.Instance.CameraController.Camera.Zoom)) / TileSize, 0);
int endX = Math.Min((int)(Game.Instance.CameraController.Camera.Target.X + (Game.Instance.ScreenWidth / 2 / Game.Instance.CameraController.Camera.Zoom)) / TileSize, WorldWidth - 1);
int endY = Math.Min((int)(Game.Instance.CameraController.Camera.Target.Y + (Game.Instance.ScreenHeight / 2 / Game.Instance.CameraController.Camera.Zoom)) / TileSize, WorldHeight - 1);
// Loop only through the visible tiles
for (int x = startX; x <= endX; x++)
for (int y = startY; y <= endY; y++)
(int x, int y) position = new(x, y);
if (_worldGrid.TryGetValue(position, out var tileType) && tileType != 0)
Raylib.DrawTexture(Game.Instance.TileManager.GetTileFromId(tileType).Texture, x * TileSize, y * TileSize, Color.White);
public void GenerateWorld()
int totalHeight = WorldHeight;
int grassHeight = (int)(totalHeight * 0.01);
int dirtHeight = (int)(totalHeight * 0.10);
int airHeight = (int)(totalHeight * 0.50);
int rockHeight = totalHeight - (airHeight + grassHeight + dirtHeight);
for (int x = 0; x < WorldWidth; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < totalHeight; y++)
string tileType;
if (y >= airHeight && y < airHeight + grassHeight)
tileType = "grass";
SetTile(x, y, Game.Instance.TileManager.GetTileIdFromName(tileType));
else if (y >= airHeight + grassHeight && y < airHeight + grassHeight + dirtHeight)
tileType = "dirt";
SetTile(x, y, Game.Instance.TileManager.GetTileIdFromName(tileType));
else if (y >= airHeight + grassHeight + dirtHeight)
tileType = "rock";
SetTile(x, y, Game.Instance.TileManager.GetTileIdFromName(tileType));
public Vector2 GetGridPositionFromGlobalPosition(int x, int y)
int gridX = x / TileSize;
int gridY = y / TileSize;
if (gridX >= 0 && gridX < WorldWidth && gridY >= 0 && gridY < WorldHeight)
return new Vector2(gridX, gridY);
return new Vector2(0, 0);
public void SetTile(int x, int y, int id)
_worldGrid[(x, y)] = id;
public int GetTile(int x, int y)
if (_worldGrid.ContainsKey((x,y))) return _worldGrid[(x,y)];
return 0;
public Vector2 GetGlobalPositionFromGrid(int x, int y)
return new(x * TileSize, y * TileSize);