Ship mostly works #10
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ var previous_rotation: Quaternion
func _ready():
network_uuid = NetworkManager.register_node(self)
# Preserve current position and rotation at the start
target_position = global_position
target_rotation = global_transform.basis.get_rotation_quaternion()
previous_position = global_position
@ -36,10 +37,16 @@ func _ready():
func _process(delta: float):
# Only the piloting player or the host when no one is piloting should send updates
if piloting_player and piloting_player.is_network_authority:
sync_ship_state() # Piloting player sends updates to all players
elif not piloting_player and NetworkManager.is_host:
# If no one is piloting, the host should send updates
# Interpolation for non-piloting players
if not piloting_player or not piloting_player.is_network_authority:
func handle_input(_delta: float):
@ -69,45 +76,52 @@ func handle_input(_delta: float):
if turn_input != 0:
var torque = Vector3.UP * turn_input * base_turn_speed
print("Torque:", torque)
# Apply force for forward and backward movement
if forward_input != 0:
var forward_direction = -global_transform.basis.z.normalized()
var forward_force = forward_direction * forward_input * move_speed
print("Forward Force:", forward_force)
# Apply force for vertical movement
if vertical_input != 0:
var vertical_force = Vector3.UP * vertical_input * base_lift_speed
print("Vertical Force:", vertical_force)
# Sync the ship state (send position and rotation only if we are the piloting player or host when no one is piloting)
func sync_ship_state():
if global_position != previous_position:
NetworkManager.sync_property(network_uuid, "global_position", global_position)
previous_position = global_position
# Only the piloting player or the host (when no one is piloting) sends the update
if piloting_player and piloting_player.is_network_authority or NetworkManager.is_host:
# Send updates only if the position has changed
if global_position != previous_position:
NetworkManager.sync_property(network_uuid, "global_position", global_position)
previous_position = global_position
var current_rotation = global_transform.basis.get_rotation_quaternion()
if current_rotation != previous_rotation:
NetworkManager.sync_property(network_uuid, "global_rotation", current_rotation)
previous_rotation = current_rotation
var current_rotation = global_transform.basis.get_rotation_quaternion()
if current_rotation != previous_rotation:
NetworkManager.sync_property(network_uuid, "global_rotation", current_rotation)
previous_rotation = current_rotation
# Interpolation for non-piloting players (who only receive the updates)
func interpolate_position_and_rotation(delta: float):
# Non-piloting players should smoothly interpolate between positions and rotations
global_position = lerp(global_position, target_position, acceleration * delta)
var current_rotation = global_transform.basis.get_rotation_quaternion()
var interpolated_rotation = current_rotation.slerp(target_rotation, acceleration * delta)
global_transform.basis = Basis(interpolated_rotation)
# Callback to handle receiving updates from the network
func _on_property_update_received(node_id: String, property_name: String, value: Variant):
if node_id == network_uuid:
match property_name:
target_position = value
# Only non-piloting players should receive this update
if not piloting_player or not piloting_player.is_network_authority:
target_position = value
target_rotation = value
# Only non-piloting players should receive this update
if not piloting_player or not piloting_player.is_network_authority:
target_rotation = value
func set_piloting_player(player: Player):
piloting_player = player
@ -122,12 +136,14 @@ func remove_piloting_player():
ship_is_piloted = false
print("The ship is no longer piloted.")
# When a player enters the ship's detection area
func _on_player_entered(body):
if body is Player and body.get_parent() != self:
body.call_deferred("reparent", self, true)
print("Player entered the ship area.")
# When a player exits the ship's detection area
func _on_player_exited(body):
if body is Player and body.get_parent() != get_node("/root/DevLevel/"):
body.call_deferred("reparent", get_node("/root/DevLevel/"), true)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user