New AI slop
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,34 +1,20 @@
class_name ShipHelm
class_name ShipHelm
extends Interactable
extends Interactable
var parent_ship: Ship
var parent_ship: Ship
var uuid: String = ""
func _ready():
func _ready():
uuid = NetworkManager.register_node(self)
parent_ship = get_parent().get_parent() #sets the parent ship to the ship that the helm is placed on
parent_ship = get_parent().get_parent() #sets the parent ship to the ship that the helm is placed on
NetworkManager.sync_property(uuid, "parent_ship", parent_ship)
func interact():
func interact():
if player_reference.is_network_authority:
if player_reference.is_network_authority:
if !parent_ship.ship_is_piloted:
if !parent_ship.ship_is_piloted:
parent_ship.ship_is_piloted = true
elif parent_ship.ship_is_piloted:
elif parent_ship.ship_is_piloted:
parent_ship.ship_is_piloted = false
func _on_property_update(uuid: String, property_name: String, value: Variant):
if NetworkManager.node_map.has(uuid):
var node = NetworkManager.node_map[uuid]
node.set(property_name, value)
printerr("Received property update but node_id is wrong? Expected " + str(uuid) + " but got " + str(uuid))
@ -1,223 +1,105 @@
extends RigidBody3D
class_name Ship
class_name Ship
extends RigidBody3D
@export var player_detection_area: Area3D
@export var player_detection_area: Area3D
@export var helm_location_marker: Marker3D
@export var helm_location_marker: Marker3D
var delta_time: float = 0.0
var ship_helm_scene: PackedScene = load("res://assets/core/interactables/ship-helm/ship-helm.tscn")
var ship_helm: ShipHelm = null
var piloting_player: Player = null
var piloting_player: Player = null
#var ship_id: int = random_int() # Generate a random ship ID
var ship_is_piloted: bool = false
var ship_is_piloted: bool = false
var current_level: Node = null
var network_uuid: String = ""
var old_global_rotation_cache: Vector3
@export var base_turn_speed: float = 0.35
var old_global_position_cache: Vector3
var rotation_correction: Vector3
var position_correction: Vector3
@export_range(0.01, 1.0, 0.01) var base_turn_speed: float = 0.35
@export var max_turn_speed: float = 0.5
@export var max_turn_speed: float = 0.5
@export_range(0.01, 10.0, 0.01) var base_lift_speed: float = 2.0
@export var base_lift_speed: float = 2.0
@export var top_speed: float = 5.0
@export var top_speed: float = 5.0
@export var move_speed: float = 1.0
@export var move_speed: float = 1.0
@export var acceleration: float = 0.1
@export var acceleration: float = 0.1
# Network Synchronization Variables
# Networking
var last_sync_time: float = 0.0
var network_uuid: String = ""
var sync_interval: float = 0.1 # Sync every 0.1 seconds
var target_position: Vector3 = Vector3.ZERO
var target_rotation: Quaternion = Quaternion()
var predicted_position: Vector3
var previous_position: Vector3
var predicted_rotation: Quaternion
var previous_rotation: Quaternion
func _ready():
func _ready():
# Register the ship with the NetworkManager for P2P communication
network_uuid = NetworkManager.register_node(self)
network_uuid = NetworkManager.register_node(self)
target_position = global_position
target_rotation = global_transform.basis.get_rotation_quaternion()
previous_position = global_position
previous_rotation = global_transform.basis.get_rotation_quaternion()
# Connect signals for player interaction
# Spawn the ship helm visually (optional based on your design)
func _process(delta: float):
if piloting_player and piloting_player.is_network_authority:
# Initialize predicted values
predicted_position = global_position
predicted_rotation = Quaternion.from_euler(global_rotation).normalized()
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
delta_time = delta
func _physics_process(_delta):
# Predict movement only for non-authority clients
if not piloting_player or piloting_player.is_network_authority:
# Apply predicted values until peer correction arrives
global_position = predicted_position
global_rotation = predicted_rotation.get_euler()
# Apply actual input if it's the authority client
func handle_input(delta: float):
if piloting_player != null and piloting_player.is_network_authority:
var input_vector = Vector3.ZERO
# Self level slowly if host
global_rotation.x = lerpf(global_rotation.x, 0, 0.1)
global_rotation.z = lerpf(global_rotation.z, 0, 0.1)
# Apply corrections if available
if position_correction != Vector3.ZERO:
position_correction = Vector3.ZERO
if rotation_correction != Vector3.ZERO:
rotation_correction = Vector3.ZERO
# Send network updates periodically
func _predict_movement(_delta):
# Simple linear prediction
var predicted_velocity = linear_velocity
predicted_position += predicted_velocity * _delta
# Basic rotation prediction (can be improved)
if angular_velocity.length() > 0:
var predicted_angular_velocity = angular_velocity.normalized()
var predicted_rotation_delta = Quaternion(predicted_angular_velocity, _delta)
predicted_rotation = predicted_rotation * predicted_rotation_delta
func _apply_local_input(_delta):
if piloting_player == null or not piloting_player.is_network_authority or not piloting_player.is_piloting:
var turn_speed = base_turn_speed / max(mass, 1)
var lift_speed = base_lift_speed / max(mass, 1)
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_forward"):
input_vector.z -= 1
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_backward"):
input_vector.z += 1
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_left"):
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_left"):
angular_velocity.y += turn_speed
input_vector.x -= 1
elif Input.is_action_pressed("move_right"):
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_right"):
angular_velocity.y -= turn_speed
input_vector.x += 1
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_up"):
global_rotation.z = lerpf(global_rotation.z, 0, 0.8)
input_vector.y += 1
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_down"):
input_vector.y -= 1
if Input.is_action_pressed("jump"):
if input_vector.length() > 0:
linear_velocity.y += lift_speed
input_vector = input_vector.normalized() * move_speed
elif Input.is_action_pressed("crouch"):
linear_velocity.y -= lift_speed
var target_velocity = Vector3.ZERO
# Rotation handling
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_forwards"):
var yaw = Input.get_action_strength("turn_right") - Input.get_action_strength("turn_left")
target_velocity = -transform.basis.z * top_speed
var pitch = Input.get_action_strength("turn_up") - Input.get_action_strength("turn_down")
elif Input.is_action_pressed("move_backwards"):
target_velocity = transform.basis.z * top_speed
var current_acceleration = (target_velocity - linear_velocity) * acceleration
if yaw != 0 or pitch != 0:
apply_central_force(current_acceleration * mass)
apply_torque(Vector3(pitch, yaw, 0) * base_turn_speed)
# Clamp velocity to prevent excessive speed
func sync_ship_state():
if linear_velocity.length() > top_speed:
if global_position != previous_position:
linear_velocity = linear_velocity.normalized() * top_speed
# Clamp angular velocity to prevent excessive turning
angular_velocity.y = clamp(angular_velocity.y, -max_turn_speed, max_turn_speed)
func _on_area_3d_body_entered(body: Node3D) -> void:
if body is Player and body.get_parent() != self:
piloting_player = body
body.call_deferred("reparent", self, true) # Reparents player onto the ship
ship_is_piloted = true
_sync_piloting_state() # Update piloting state for other clients
func _on_area_3d_body_exited(body: Node3D) -> void:
if body is Player and body.get_parent() != get_node("/root/DevLevel/"):
ship_is_piloted = false
piloting_player = null
body.call_deferred("reparent", get_node("/root/DevLevel/"), true) # Reparents player back to the world
_sync_piloting_state() # Update piloting state for other clients
func _add_ship_helm(_ship_helm_scene: PackedScene):
var ship_helm_instance = _ship_helm_scene.instantiate()
ship_helm = helm_location_marker.get_node("ShipHelm") # Assuming "ShipHelm" is the node name
func _on_property_update(uuid: String, property_name: String, value: Variant):
if NetworkManager.node_map.has(uuid):
var node = NetworkManager.node_map[uuid]
if property_name == "global_position":
elif property_name == "global_rotation":
elif property_name == "ship_is_piloted":
ship_is_piloted = value
elif property_name == "piloting_player":
if value != "":
# Find the Player object based on the network_uuid
for child in get_parent().get_children():
if child is Player and child.network_uuid == value:
piloting_player = child
piloting_player = null
node.set(property_name, value)
printerr("Received property update but node_id is wrong? Expected " + str(uuid) + " but got " + str(uuid))
func _sync_piloting_state():
NetworkManager.sync_property(network_uuid, "ship_is_piloted", ship_is_piloted)
if piloting_player != null:
NetworkManager.sync_property(network_uuid, "piloting_player", piloting_player.network_uuid)
NetworkManager.sync_property(network_uuid, "piloting_player", "")
func _send_ship_sync():
if Time.get_ticks_msec() - last_sync_time > sync_interval * 1000:
last_sync_time = Time.get_ticks_msec()
NetworkManager.sync_property(network_uuid, "global_position", global_position)
NetworkManager.sync_property(network_uuid, "global_position", global_position)
NetworkManager.sync_property(network_uuid, "global_rotation", global_rotation)
previous_position = global_position
NetworkManager.sync_property(network_uuid, "linear_velocity", linear_velocity)
NetworkManager.sync_property(network_uuid, "angular_velocity", angular_velocity)
func _handle_ship_sync_position(pos: Vector3):
var current_rotation = global_transform.basis.get_rotation_quaternion()
if piloting_player and not piloting_player.is_network_authority:
if current_rotation != previous_rotation:
# Correct prediction with server data
NetworkManager.sync_property(network_uuid, "global_rotation", current_rotation)
var correction_threshold = 0.5 # Adjust based on your desired tolerance
previous_rotation = current_rotation
if (pos - global_position).length() > correction_threshold:
position_correction = pos
func _handle_ship_sync_rotation(rot: Vector3):
func interpolate_position_and_rotation(delta: float):
if piloting_player and not piloting_player.is_network_authority:
global_position = lerp(global_position, target_position, acceleration * delta)
var correction_threshold = 0.1 # Adjust based on your desired tolerance
var current_rotation = global_transform.basis.get_rotation_quaternion()
var received_rotation = Quaternion.from_euler(Vector3(rot.x, rot.y, rot.z))
var interpolated_rotation = current_rotation.slerp(target_rotation, acceleration * delta)
var delta_rot = received_rotation * global_rotation.inverse()
global_transform.basis = Basis(interpolated_rotation)
if delta_rot.length() > correction_threshold:
rotation_correction = rot
# Apply server rotation directly
func _on_property_update_received(node_id: String, property_name: String, value: Variant):
global_rotation = Quaternion.from_euler(rot).get_euler()
if node_id == network_uuid:
match property_name:
target_position = value
target_rotation = value
func _handle_position_correction(corrected_position: Vector3):
func set_piloting_player(player: Player):
if piloting_player and not piloting_player.is_network_authority:
piloting_player = player
predicted_position = corrected_position
ship_is_piloted = piloting_player != null
linear_velocity = (corrected_position - global_position) / delta_time
if piloting_player:
print("Player", piloting_player.username, "is now piloting the ship.")
print("The ship is no longer piloted.")
func _handle_rotation_correction(corrected_rotation: Vector3):
if piloting_player and not piloting_player.is_network_authority:
var received_rotation = Quaternion.from_euler(corrected_rotation)
func remove_piloting_player():
var delta_rot = received_rotation * global_rotation.inverse()
piloting_player = null
predicted_rotation = received_rotation
ship_is_piloted = false
angular_velocity = Quaternion(delta_rot).get_euler() / delta_time
print("The ship is no longer piloted.")
# Apply server rotation directly
global_rotation = Quaternion.from_euler(corrected_rotation).get_euler()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user