161 lines
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161 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor.TestTools.CodeCoverage.Analytics;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEditor.TestTools.CodeCoverage.Utils
struct ResultData
// The type of the result (log, warning, error, assert)
public LogType type;
// Result message
public string message;
public ResultData(LogType type, string message)
this.type = type;
this.message = message;
internal enum ResultID
Log_ResultsSaved = 0,
Log_ReportSaved = 1,
Error_FailedReport = 2,
Error_FailedReportNoCoverageResults = 3,
Error_FailedReportNoAssemblies = 4,
Assert_NullAssemblyTypes = 5,
Warning_DebugCodeOptimization = 6,
Warning_AssemblyFiltersNotPrefixed = 7,
Warning_PathFiltersNotPrefixed = 8,
Warning_MultipleResultsPaths = 9,
Warning_MultipleHistoryPaths = 10,
Warning_NoCoverageResultsSaved = 11,
Warning_FailedToDeleteDir = 12,
Warning_FailedToDeleteFile = 13,
Warning_FailedReportNullCoverageSettings = 14,
Warning_BurstCompilationEnabled = 15,
Warning_ExcludeAttributeAssembly = 16,
Warning_ExcludeAttributeClass = 17,
Warning_ExcludeAttributeMethod = 18,
Warning_StandaloneUnsupported = 19,
Warning_UseProjectSettingsNonBatchmode = 20,
Warning_FailedToExtractPathFiltersFromFile = 21,
Warning_FailedReportNullCoverageFilters = 22,
Log_VisitedResultsSaved = 23,
Warning_NoVisitedCoverageResultsSaved = 24,
Warning_NoVisitedCoverageResultsSavedRecordingPaused = 25,
Warning_UnknownCoverageOptionProvided = 26,
Warning_FailedToExtractFiltersFromFile = 27,
Warning_FilterFileContainsDuplicateKeys = 28,
Warning_FilterFileContainsInvalidKey = 29,
Warning_PathFiltersFromFileDeprecation = 30,
internal static class ResultsLogger
internal static LogVerbosityLevel VerbosityLevel = LogVerbosityLevel.Info;
static Dictionary<ResultID, ResultData> s_Results = new Dictionary<ResultID, ResultData>()
{ ResultID.Log_ResultsSaved, new ResultData(LogType.Log, "Code Coverage results for all sequence points were saved in {0}") },
{ ResultID.Log_VisitedResultsSaved, new ResultData(LogType.Log, "Code Coverage results for visited sequence points were saved in {0}") },
{ ResultID.Log_ReportSaved, new ResultData(LogType.Log, "Code Coverage Report was generated in {0}\nIncluded Assemblies: {1}\nExcluded Assemblies: {2}\nIncluded Paths: {3}\nExcluded Paths: {4}") },
{ ResultID.Error_FailedReport, new ResultData(LogType.Error, "Failed to generate Code Coverage Report.\nIncluded Assemblies: {0}\nExcluded Assemblies: {1}\nIncluded Paths: {2}\nExcluded Paths: {3}") },
{ ResultID.Error_FailedReportNoCoverageResults, new ResultData(LogType.Error, "Failed to generate Code Coverage Report. No code coverage results found.\nIncluded Assemblies: {0}\nExcluded Assemblies: {1}\nIncluded Paths: {2}\nExcluded Paths: {3}") },
{ ResultID.Error_FailedReportNoAssemblies, new ResultData(LogType.Error, "Failed to generate Code Coverage Report. Make sure you have included at least one assembly before generating a report.\nIncluded Assemblies: {0}\nExcluded Assemblies: {1}\nIncluded Paths: {2}\nExcluded Paths: {3}") },
{ ResultID.Assert_NullAssemblyTypes, new ResultData(LogType.Assert, "assemblyTypes cannot be null") },
{ ResultID.Warning_DebugCodeOptimization, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "Code Coverage requires Code Optimization to be set to debug mode in order to obtain accurate coverage information. Switch to debug mode in the Editor (bottom right corner, select the Bug icon > Switch to debug mode), using the CompilationPipeline api by setting 'CompilationPipeline.codeOptimization = CodeOptimization.Debug' or by passing '-debugCodeOptimization' to the command line in batchmode.") },
{ ResultID.Warning_AssemblyFiltersNotPrefixed, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "'-coverageOptions assemblyFilters' argument {0} would not be applied as it is not prefixed with +/-.") },
{ ResultID.Warning_PathFiltersNotPrefixed, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "'-coverageOptions pathFilters' argument {0} would not be applied as it is not prefixed with +/-.") },
{ ResultID.Warning_MultipleResultsPaths, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "'-coverageResultsPath' has already been specified on the command-line. Keeping the original setting: '{0}'.") },
{ ResultID.Warning_MultipleHistoryPaths, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "'-coverageHistoryPath' has already been specified on the command-line. Keeping the original setting: '{0}'.") },
{ ResultID.Warning_NoCoverageResultsSaved, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "Code coverage results for all sequence points were not saved.\nIncluded Assemblies: {0}\nExcluded Assemblies: {1}\nIncluded Paths: {2}\nExcluded Paths: {3}") },
{ ResultID.Warning_NoVisitedCoverageResultsSaved, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "Code coverage results were not saved. Visited sequence points not found. \nIncluded Assemblies: {0}\nExcluded Assemblies: {1}\nIncluded Paths: {2}\nExcluded Paths: {3}") },
{ ResultID.Warning_NoVisitedCoverageResultsSavedRecordingPaused, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "Code coverage results were not saved because coverage recording was paused. \nIncluded Assemblies: {0}\nExcluded Assemblies: {1}\nIncluded Paths: {2}\nExcluded Paths: {3}") },
{ ResultID.Warning_FailedToDeleteDir, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "Failed to delete directory: {0}") },
{ ResultID.Warning_FailedToDeleteFile, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "Failed to delete file: {0}") },
{ ResultID.Warning_FailedReportNullCoverageSettings, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "Failed to generate Code Coverage Report. CoverageSettings was not set.") },
{ ResultID.Warning_FailedReportNullCoverageFilters, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "Failed to generate Code Coverage Report. Error parsing Coverage filtering.") },
{ ResultID.Warning_BurstCompilationEnabled, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "Code Coverage requires Burst Compilation to be disabled in order to obtain accurate coverage information. To disable Burst Compilation uncheck Jobs > Burst > Enable Compilation or pass '--burst-disable-compilation' to the command line in batchmode.") },
{ ResultID.Warning_ExcludeAttributeAssembly, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "Not able to detect custom attribute ExcludeFromCoverage in Assembly: {0}") },
{ ResultID.Warning_ExcludeAttributeClass, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "Not able to detect custom attribute ExcludeFromCoverage in Class: {0}, Assembly: {1}") },
{ ResultID.Warning_ExcludeAttributeMethod, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "Not able to detect custom attribute ExcludeFromCoverage in Method: {0}, Class: {1}, Assembly: {2}") },
{ ResultID.Warning_StandaloneUnsupported, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "Code Coverage is not supported in standalone currently. Code Coverage Results and Report will not be generated.") },
{ ResultID.Warning_UseProjectSettingsNonBatchmode, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "'-coverageOptions useProjectSettings' can only be used in batchmode and it does not take effect when running the editor from the command-line in non-batchmode.") },
{ ResultID.Warning_FailedToExtractPathFiltersFromFile, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "Failed to extract path filters from file: Exception '{0}' while reading '{1}'") },
{ ResultID.Warning_UnknownCoverageOptionProvided, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "Unknown coverage option provided: '{0}'") },
{ ResultID.Warning_FailedToExtractFiltersFromFile, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "Failed to extract filters from file: Exception '{0}' while reading '{1}'") },
{ ResultID.Warning_FilterFileContainsDuplicateKeys, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "Duplicate keys exist in the json file used for filtering: {0}") },
{ ResultID.Warning_FilterFileContainsInvalidKey, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "Invalid key(s) in the json file used for filtering: '{0}'") },
{ ResultID.Warning_PathFiltersFromFileDeprecation, new ResultData(LogType.Warning, "The 'pathFiltersFromFile' option will be deprecated in the next package major release. Please use the 'filtersFromFile' option instead.") },
public static bool Log(ResultID resultId, params string[] extraParams)
if (!s_Results.ContainsKey(resultId))
Debug.LogWarning($"[{CoverageSettings.PackageName}] ResultsLogger could not find result with id: {resultId}");
return false;
ResultData result = s_Results[resultId];
string message = string.Concat(
$"[{CoverageSettings.PackageName}] ",
extraParams.Length > 0 ? string.Format(result.message, extraParams) : result.message);
switch (result.type)
case LogType.Warning:
if (VerbosityLevel <= LogVerbosityLevel.Warning)
case LogType.Error:
if (VerbosityLevel <= LogVerbosityLevel.Error)
case LogType.Assert:
Debug.Assert(false, message);
case LogType.Log:
if (VerbosityLevel <= LogVerbosityLevel.Info)
return true;
public static bool LogSessionItem(string message, LogVerbosityLevel logLevel = LogVerbosityLevel.Info)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
return false;
message = message.Replace('{', '[').Replace('}', ']');
if (logLevel >= VerbosityLevel)
message = string.Format($"[{CoverageSettings.PackageName}] {message}");
return true;
return false;