extends RigidBody3D # Local coords to axis # Yaw = Y # Roll = Z # Pitch = X @export_category("Parameters") @export var flight_modes: Array = ["normal", "acro"] @export var throttle_curve: Curve @export var armed: bool = false @export var can_flip: bool = false @export var throttle_speed: float = 0.0 @export var rotation_speed: float = 0.06 @export var max_speed: float = 20.0 @export var max_rotation_speed: float = 15.0 @export var thrust_factor: float = 1.0 @export_category("Node References") @export var camera: Camera3D @export var anim_player: AnimationPlayer @export var flip_over_detection_ray: RayCast3D @export var flip_over_timer: Timer @export var input_suggestion_label: Label @export var reset_point: Marker3D var animation_initalized: bool = false var using_joy_controller: bool = true func _ready(): flip_over_timer.timeout.connect(_on_flip_over_timeout) func _process(_delta): if Input.is_action_just_pressed("arm"): handle_arming() func handle_arming(): if !armed: if !animation_initalized: anim_player.play("spin_props") animation_initalized = true elif animation_initalized: anim_player.play() armed = !armed print("Drone armed") elif armed: anim_player.pause() armed = !armed print("Drone disarmed") func _start_flip_over_timer(): if flip_over_timer.time_left > 0: pass elif !can_flip: flip_over_timer.start() func _on_flip_over_timeout(): if flip_over_detection_ray.is_colliding() and flip_over_detection_ray.get_collider().is_in_group("Ground"): can_flip = true input_suggestion_label.text = "press A to flip drone" input_suggestion_label.show() else: input_suggestion_label.hide() func _handle_drone_flipping(): if flip_over_detection_ray.is_colliding() and flip_over_detection_ray.get_collider().is_in_group("Ground"): global_rotation = Vector3.ZERO input_suggestion_label.hide() can_flip = false else: input_suggestion_label.hide() func _physics_process(_delta): # Still needed for other physics if flip_over_detection_ray.is_colliding() and flip_over_detection_ray.get_collider().is_in_group("Ground"): _start_flip_over_timer() if Input.is_action_just_pressed("accept") and can_flip: _handle_drone_flipping() func _input(event): if Input.is_action_just_pressed("reset_drone"): global_position = reset_point.global_position global_rotation = Vector3.ZERO linear_velocity = Vector3.ZERO angular_velocity = Vector3.ZERO func _integrate_forces(state): if armed and GameManager.game_started: var yaw_input = Input.get_axis("yaw_right", "yaw_left") var roll_input = Input.get_axis("roll_right", "roll_left") var pitch_input = Input.get_axis("pitch_backward", "pitch_forward") var throttle_input = Input.get_axis("throttle_down", "throttle_up") if using_joy_controller: if throttle_input > 0: throttle_speed = throttle_input * 100 apply_central_force(global_transform.basis.y * throttle_curve.sample((throttle_speed-1)/99) * thrust_factor) linear_velocity.x = clampf(linear_velocity.x, -max_speed, max_speed) linear_velocity.y = clampf(linear_velocity.y, -max_speed*1.5, max_speed) linear_velocity.z = clampf(linear_velocity.z, -max_speed, max_speed) apply_central_force(global_transform.basis.y * 1 * thrust_factor) # Base thrust while props are idley spinning # Speed scale adjusted for animation anim_player.speed_scale = throttle_input * 4 anim_player.speed_scale = clampf(anim_player.speed_scale, 1.0, 4.0) if yaw_input != 0: rotate_object_local(Vector3.UP, yaw_input * rotation_speed) # Y axis rotation if roll_input != 0: rotate_object_local(Vector3.FORWARD, roll_input * rotation_speed) # Z axis rotation if pitch_input != 0: rotate_object_local(Vector3.RIGHT, pitch_input * rotation_speed) # X axis rotation # Damping if yaw_input == 0: state.angular_velocity.y = lerp(state.angular_velocity.y, 0.0, 0.1) if roll_input == 0: state.angular_velocity.z = lerp(state.angular_velocity.z, 0.0, 0.1) if pitch_input == 0: state.angular_velocity.x = lerp(state.angular_velocity.x, 0.0, 0.1)